

We all know about the saying that knowledge is power. For investigators, it is not only important but more or less crucial to have full knowledge. Knowledge on how to use their tools and understand the data they are investigating.

In order for our users to feel both comfortable and confident using our products, we have put together certification training courses. As a student in our training courses, you will get to know how to make the most use of the platform and how to interpret the data presented.

Our training courses can be arranged on-site from either a ForensIQ One arranged location or at the customer site.

On top of this, we are also able to offer an online investigator training course where you learn how to utilize all functionality in Case Investigator.

Training Courses

  • Online Case Investigator (1-day)
  • Onsite Investigator Training (2-days)

Please contact sales for more information regarding training courses – [email protected]

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