v2021.2 of Case Investigator is now released
Tired of repetitive, time-consuming work? Would you prefer searching after evidence in your whole case in one go over multiple times on multiple devices? With the new watchlist functionality, you can now have your watchlist(s) searching through your whole case. One more way of simplifying and streamlining your investigation.
An investigation today includes data from multiple sources. Each source most likely requires different tools, and each tool has its own way of presenting the data. This makes the life for investigators more complicated rather than helping them. Our mission is to change that and help investigators around the world by making working with digital evidence easier.
Today we’re happy to release the next version of our Case Investigator. Highlights for this release are:
– Relations View; build your own relations diagram with our new innovative Relations View
– Support for CDR (Call Data Records)
– Use of multiple watchlists
– Improved Person Dashboard
Make sure to log in to our portal and download the latest version. Not a customer yet, contact us on [email protected] or our partners to get a 30-day trial license.